Monday, August 17, 2009

McWhaley Is Headed to the Championship Game!

McWhaley Wins 15-12 over the PD's Office and we're headed to the Championship game on Wednesday against Rosen!
As Terry put it in the movie, Miller's Crossing, "It seems the old man is still an artist with the Thompson" and if you were at the game last night the same thing could be said for the "Big Dawg" Dawes as the PD's office came in thinking he had no power but then it would appear that Dawes is still in artist with the softball bat hitting three doubles and a single. It could have been four doubles but he was thrown out at second as he tried to stretch one out. Dain parked one even after being heckled by the other team's ladies. Bryant parked one. The ladies (Mel, Karen and Ann) are swinging the bat well. Although Harper had a bit of an off game he made up for it with his defense. Jay Jones finally started getting the hits he wanted. Jim and Ann, the dynamic duo, played to their usual high level. Jay-Bird notched a couple of doubles and with an assist from Jim turned a beautiful double-play.
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1 comment:

Donn said...

Just got a voicemail from Seekings. He'd like the game to start at 6:00 and would also like the game to be played at Park Shore. NOT Orange Grove.

I'm not too sure about the 6:00 starting time. I know Andre wouldn't be able to make that.