Thursday, June 25, 2009
Last Inning Heroics Lead to Another McWhaley Win!
It’s a day dream that runs in the minds of all young baseball players; the home team is down a couple of runs in the final inning of the championship game. With two outs in already recorded and he winning run on 1st base, the batter digs into the batter’s box and nervously awaits the first pitch. He sends a shot into the outfield and the runner on first sprints around the bases to score the winning run. Game over, the championship is theirs and the day dreamer is the hero of the game.
McWhaley was faced with a similar situation, but it wasn’t for the championship. It was more for pride for a few of the McWhailers than anything else. Last night, McWhaley faced off against Young Clement & Rivers (YCR) - former stomping grounds for one Randell “Slim Shady” Stoney, Jr. Slim Shady doesn’t play on the team, but a couple of the BWPH Lions work with him so they wanted to record this win for him. The rest of the team wanted to win because it sure beats losing.
McWhaley won the coin toss and elected to bat last in the game. Unfortunately, McWhaley was missing a couple of key players – Short Stop Jay Alexander and utility man, Dawes Cooke so Capitan Donn Ilagan and Capitan Jim Trabert had to switch up a few playing positions to fill in the gaps.
The McWhaley defense was a bit shaky throughout the whole game and YCR took full advantage of the soft defense and scored run after run with every error that was made. YCR had enough people to field two teams and they threw all they had at McWhaley. Inning after inning, McWhaley tried to work their way up the scoreboard, but the bats weren’t working the same as they did against The Fighting Fabers just a week prior. No matter how hard they tried, McWhaley could never take the lead in the game.
In the top of the 7th inning, McWhaley’s defense woke up and had a decent showing capped off by a 5-4-3 double play. [Jay Harper to Graham Ervin to Donn Ilagan] After the inning was over, McWhaley still found themselves trailing in the game, but this time they were down to their last at bat.
With the score YCR 10 – McWhaley 8, 3rd Baseman, Jay Harper, stepped into the batter’s box and led off the inning with a hot shot to Right Center field. He turned on the jets and tried to stretch out his 4th in the park home run of the season. As he rounded third, the throw from the outfield hit the glove of the awaiting YCR player who had positioned himself for an easy tag at home plate. As the YCR player swooped his arm around to apply the tag, Harper instinctively jumped over the glove and landed squarely on home plate making the score YCR 10 – McWhaley 9.
YCR recorded the first out from a lazy pop up to third from the next batter. Left Fielder, Bryant “Nails” Pearson, was up after that and hit a single to get on base. Left Center Fielder, Dain Reardon, managed to hit another single that sent the tying run to third base making Reardon the winning run.
Short Stop, Andre Ilagan, stepped up to the plate, dug in, and eyed the field trying to pinpoint where he wanted to hit the ball. The day dream so many young baseball players have in their minds was happening to him at that very moment. He shook off the first pitch and as the second pitch crossed the plate, he blasted it into deep Right Center field allowing Pearson and Reardon to score. Just like that, the game was over and McWhaley recorded their 3rd win of the season with a score of 10-11.
When asked about his winning hit, Andre Ilagan only had this comment to make, “I needed to do SOMETHING to make up for all of the errors I recorded at short stop.” Somehow, Donn Ilagan was actually available for comment on the game. “He’d [Andre] better be lucky I threw a good pitch for him to hit.” “I usually throw him junk in instances like that.” He added.
Even though their defense was a little shaky all game, both Donn and Jim were pleased with the way the team played and grabbed another “W.”
McWhaley’s next game is against the reigning champs of the Charleston Lawyer’s Softball League – Nelson Mullins. The game will be played in West Ashley and game time is at 6:30.
Last Night’s Line Up:
3rd Base – Jay Harper
2nd Base – Graham Ervin
Left Field – Bryant “Nails” Pearson
Left Center Field – Dain Reardon
Short Stop – Andre Ilagan
1st Base – Donn Ilagan
Right Center Field – Jim Trabert
Right Field - Blake McKie
Short Out Field – Melanie Mason
Catcher – Karen Clark
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
McWhailers Win In The Bottom of the 7th Final Score; 11 -10
Reminder: Game Tonight @ the Navy Base vs. Young Clement
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fighting Fabers no match for McWhaley bats!

Last night, McWhaley took the field against The Fighting Fabers of Finkel and Altman. Unfortunately, The Fighting Fabers were not as interesting or funny as the Fighting Fabers of the Delta Tau Chi Fraternity from the movie Animal House. Actually, they should have been ashamed to associate themselves with such a great movie.*
The game was played at Johnson Hagood Stadium where just two day prior, McWhaley received its 3rd loss of the season to HGH-driven Turner Padgett. Manager Emily Pearson won the coin toss and secured McWhaley’s spot as the Home Team. Interestingly enough, the fact that McWhaley had the last bat in the game didn’t even matter.
That was the only run The Fabers would score for a while. When McWhaley came up to bat, left fielder Jay Harper, matched Vulture Buscemi’s home run with a home run the hard way, legging one out for an in the parker. After 1, the score was tied 1 – 1. Harper’s in the park home run was just the spark McWhaley needed to get their bats going again. The Fabers managed to score two more runs in the next two innings, but the runs were no match for the 7 runs McWhaley racked up in the bottom half of the same two innings.
McWhaley’s defense also stepped up their intensity and held Faber to just one run after the third inning. Unfortunately for Faber, their defense wasn’t as lucky. McWhaley piled on 7 more runs in the game including a 3 run home run blast by new acquisition, Dain “Don’t call me Dane Cook or I will kill you” Reardon. Dain was supposed to play earlier in the week with McWhaley, but due to unforeseen circumstances (he didn’t know that the games were being played in Johnson Hagood) he didn’t make the game. When the last out was recorded, McWhaley came away with win #2. Final score Fabers 4 – McWhaley 15.
“This winning thing is fun,” Jim Trabert said when asked about the game. Co-Captain Donn Ilagan, could not be reached for comment as he was holding a football for place kicks.
McWhaley’s next game is against Young Clement Rivers and unfortunately, they will have to go back to the field they hate the most – the Navy Base.

Jay Harper – Left Field
Maggie Mullen/Melanie Mason – Right Field
Jay Alexander – Short Stop
Andre Ilagan/Bryant Pearson – Left Center Field
Donn Ilagan – 1st Base
Jay Jones – 3rd Base
Jim Trabert – Right Center Field
Graham Irvin – 2nd Base
Matt Cavender/Dain Reardon – Short Out Field
Karen Clark – Catcher
Blake McKie – Designated Hitter
* The Fighting Fabers didn’t take their name from the college in the movie Animal House. The Corporate Complex where Finkel and Altman is located is called Faberplace.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The McWhailers Are Back On Track!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Special Report: Ilagan's Contract-Garage and the Current State of Your McWailers by Bobby Barnwell
BB: A lot of the fans are complaining that your Skipper Donn Ilagan is paid too
much for the McWailers to have a losing season.
JET: Is there a
question here? Or are you just trying to lament about something you know nothing
about? Look, Donn makes a fair and modest income for his services with the team;
we worked out a deal with Borass (Scotty Borass-Donn’s agent, not to be confused
with the other Scott Boras-the big league agent) and Donn which we all thought
was fair. As for the fans, they need to understand something about law league
softball, it takes time for a team, especially one as unique as this one to come
together and besides the McWailers have lost to some tough opponents on the
front end of the season. Be patient, Donn will look like a genius by the end of
the season.
BB: So what about the reports that Donn was playing
with a football at the last game.
JET: (Deleted Expletive)
Bloggers, they are making this into much more than it is. It is only natural (to
want) to throw a football when you are playing on a converted football field.
Ask anyone that used to play at old Candlestick Park, they will tell you; the
desire to throw or catch a football is unmatched-look at Bo
BB: What does Bo Jackson have to do with
JET: Exactly, you don’t know Bo. And since I know, that you
don’t know what I know, I know that you don’t know Bo. Now get out of my office
this interview is over.
BB: But I have more questions.
JET: I am sure you do. Why don’t you go talk to Donn, he has today
Garage Mahal
So I took Trabert’s advice and just like Kenny Rogers (when he rocked, way before he did “Islands in the Stream”), I decided to “just check in to see what condition my condition was in” and to get to the bottom of this. With an undisclosed figure and contract we have no idea how much Donn Ilagan is making, but just how modestly is Ilagan living? Check out this picture I surreptitiously took with my Crackberry as I walked up the drive to his house. My editor made me block out the plates but I want all of the fans out there to know, Donn Ilagan has a 2 Ferrari garage. And Jim Trabert has the nerve to call this modesty. I am not sure what I call it but it is not modesty. And if Skipper Don Ilagan doesn’t turn the McWailers around soon, I doubt he will be able to maintain this “modest” lifestyle.
Monday, June 15, 2009
McWhailers Continue to Slide
(More re-cap later)
Next Game
The McWailers return to Johnson-Hagood Stadium Wednesday Night, June 17th to face off against Finkle
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Games This Week
For what it is worth, I have decided not to play today and just hang out with Manager Emily Pearson. I mean, coach you guys.
- Donn
Friday, June 12, 2009
Next Week's Games
Please let me know if you plan on being there.
Monday, June 08, 2009
This is Not a Text-Book Swing! But We've Broken It Down So You Can See What's Wrong With This Picture!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Jay-Harper Player of Last Week's Game Against the Solicitors and GAP T-Shirt Model Aspirant!

We were all very proud of Harper last week when he had the hottest bat on the team, going 4-4 against the Solicitors. Personally my favorite moment of the game was when Jay tested the arm of their left-center-fielder as he was coming into score from third-base: kind of trot, certainly I won't get thrown out at home, scored just as the throw was a bit late off the bounce.
For those of you keeping score-their LCF was a female but evidently Jay just wanted to test her.
Crouching Tiger...Hidden Harper

Just to make things interesting we have three guys named Jay on the team this year. In this photo is Jay-Squared.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Message From Donn: Last Night's Game & The Next Couple of Weeks Schedule

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Good Bye Navy Base
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Reminder: Game Tonight @ the Navy Base Against Buist Moore