Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mission Accomplished!
Congratulations to the McNair "Machine" Softball Team for making the Playoffs! But of course we made the Playoffs; why wouldn't we? We have the highest (George) and third highest (Scardato) player batting averages on our team. We are ranked 7th, but that is only one point behind of a three way tie for 4th, 5th & 6th. We held our own with every team we played this year, but I don't think our record reflects how well and hard we played both individually and as a team. For the record: I think this is the best year and best Team we've fielded in the four years that I've been coaching. We've had a lot of fun this year. We've won a few and lost a few, but we kept trucking (read: heads up if you like) despite our opponent's record or our own stretch of losses. I am very proud of this team and what we have accomplished! We made the Playoffs this year because of our record and performance on the field, not because Seekings* like us!
Playoff Game
Since we are the contenders in our bracket, we will face (the #1 seed) Rosen, Rosen & Hagood in the first round, next Tuesday (August 15, 2006) @ the Navy Base-6 PM. Notice the game begins at 6 PM and not the usual 6:30 PM. I expect they will have their best semi-pro "Romies" out there, but I think their hubris will be there downfall in the Playoffs-it is every year! The Winners (McNair) will play on Thursday in the second round.
If you can play please confirm via e-mail. If not, please come out and support the team next Tuesday! Also, if any of you all would like to have batting practice this Saturday, I would gladly you at Orange Grove for a couple of hours. Just give me a shout. (Photos compliments of HunCor)
*Obviously we are on the "outs" with Seekings or we wouldn't be playing Rosen @ the friggin Navy Base for the first round of the tournament!
Go Mighty McNair!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tonight's game hydration and Brad does the Charleston!
With a Heat-Index of 115 degrees, our game against the Public Defenders tonight looks to be a hot one. Please hydrate yourself before the game. We will have Gatorades and H2O for everyone in addition to the usual libations. Just so you know, B-Rad Hiers said he is going to dance the Charleston all over the Public Defenders tonight. And from what I can tell by looking at the photo, this dance machine means business!
Go Mighty McNair!
Friday, July 28, 2006
The Mighty McNair Machine
Our final game for the season is against the Public Defenders @ Orange Grove next Wednesday (August 2). Our record is 5-5, so we pretty much have to win in order to be considered for the playoffs. Good job team, and thank you to all the fans for coming out last night.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
McNair defeats Finkel & Alman 15-13
F & A man, F & A...Bobo and I were lamenting about the similarities between the Bravos and the Machine last month. That being said, it appears the Braves turned things around since the All-Star break and so has the Big Green Machine! The Machine continued their win streak marking their third straight win last week against the Flaming Fabers of Finkel & Altman.
Much to the skipper's dismay, Buck-Nasty and Molly McGee were running late-way late. But Bucky flagged a diesel down just before the rain and they rode it all the way to New Orleans, windshield wipers flashing time...sorry, tunes in the background while I write. I digress; evidently I need to speak to McTighbrenner about getting our ringers to the park because if the Red Sox can bring Doug Miravelli to Fenway on a state sponsored 70 mph escort, then so should the Machine. But don't worry Machine faithful, Bucky will ride shotgun in the Volvo for the remainder of the season.
Game Time
I am not sure what it is about hearing those fine words, "We're just out here to have fun and play an honest game" but for some reason (ask Donn @ B-W) it is the setup for somebody about to pull wool and some serious shiesty crap against the Machine. We lost the flip, but we seem to always win as visitors, so it didn't matter anyway. The game went as planned. I knew we'd have to give them one call, despite minor objections from Mr. Dependable, and we'd get a close call later in the game. The Flamin Fabers weren't giving us an inch when it came to close calls, but that as it seems was their own ignorance, because they say, "you don't tug on Superman's cape. You walk into the screen. You don't pull the mask of the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with the Machine. A do, do-do-dah, dee-dee, a dee-o-dee." I really need to turn off the iTunes when writing these things. This is Zen recapping here people so what is written shall stand. Despite having a Hoss hitting first baseman, err, person, and a zeal for theatrics (and tantrums), the Flammin Flamers were no match for the Machine.
First Inning
Capers started the party with a lead off single, Mr. Dependable followed with another single, JOHN-E ROSEN! Byahhh!!! Popped the top on our first home-run earning 2nd this year and two more RBIs. Jay-Bird popped out and Big Daddy Warren followed with a double. Two-Can Coats singled, and Bobo followed with a fielder's choice. Primo-Donna would be our last out for the inning with a close throw out at first. F&A matched the Machines runs with three of their own.
Second Inning
JET started things off with what could have been a double until that degenerate gambler went for third. As Mamma Jo said, "Vegas baby Vegas!" Golden Graham had an excellent hit up the middle for a single. Camo-Cameron hit a very diplomatic single into right field. Buck-Nasty hit a double, but darkened the next circle after his two RBIs. The Caped One and Mr. Dependable both singled, but Rosen's blast was snagged by F&A for the third out. F&A would match the Machine once again scoring two, making it a 5 all-tie game.
Third Inning
Jay-Bird led off the inning with an in the park homer. However this highlight was taken away after F&A's firstbaseperson matched his hitting skills, putting one to the back of the fence in right field. Joel's single would be for naught after a 6-4-3 double play off of Corbett's smack. Bobo would single again, but their short-out would pick off Cid's hit stopping the Machine with only one run for the inning. F&A would add two runs to take the lead at the end of the inning.
Fourth Inning
An unfortunate 3 up, 3 down. F&A would add 3 runs to take the lead 10 to 6.
Fifth Inning
Buck-Nasty went yard. Mr. Dependable Brett Bluestein, Jay-Bird and Joel would put runs on the board before a distracted 3rd baseman would tag out Two-Cans Corbett in the hot corner for the last out on a Primo-Donna's fielder's choice. Adding 4 runs to the board put McNair within 3 after F&A added three more to their tab, score 10 to 13 F&A.
Sixth Inning
Vegas Baby Vegas! Vegas finally beat the house hitting a double, followed by Golden Graham's single, RBI with Cameron following with another single. The mighty Case-Nasty hit a foul, a new ball from the bucket went foul too. Would he strike out? Forget that we have to argue an illegal ball issue with F&A. Not only are these guys trying to screw us around every corner, but they are inspecting our balls too. Give me a break. Buck-Nasty went wild, tightened his velcro Nancys and what's that? The Zippo signal from the owner Tom McTighbrenner. Burn it Bucky! Bucky hit his 5th homer for the season, giving the kids at the Palms Apartments a souvenir. Bucky hit the third homer for the game on a legit ball and F&A cried foul. The Machine added 3 more and blanked the Flamers to tie the game at 13.
Seventh Inning
JOHN-E-ROSEN! doubled, Jay-Bird popped out, but Joel picked him up with another double bringing home Rosie for another RBI. Corbett hit a great shot up the middle and Bobo followed with another single, RBI. Christina hit into a 1-3 out. And with green jerseys on 3rd & 2nd, Vegas' luck would run out as he was thrown out at first on a close 6-3 snipe. Sorry Capers, you thought JET could beat the throw, but the House always wins when your luck runs out. After scoring 2 runs and taking the lead, all McNair had to do was hold on and get three more outs. Two-Can Coats was positioned perfectly to snag the first out. Cameron was dead on Dillinger to snag the second out and as poetic as one could write the ending, their 3rd baseman was thrown out by the same close throw as JET. Sorry F& A folks no time to object to this one. We've given you enough, you are not getting this one. Besides, we've already rushed the field to celebrate. F&A man, F&A!
Next game tomorrow against the Usual Suspects. T-Walker chatted with Don Michel-eone and they are scared because they know how livid we are about being out at the Navy Base all season. And they say, "you don't tug on Superman's cape. You walk into the screen. You don't pull the mask of the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with the Machine. A do, do-do-dah, dee-dee, a dee-o-dee."
Go Mighty McNair! (Photo compliments of Movie Gazette)
Monday, July 24, 2006
2006 Schedule & Results
5/11 | MLF v Pierce, Herns | Parkshore | Win | ||
5/18 | MLF v Moore/Turner | Naval Base | Win | ||
5/25 | MLF v Nelson, Mullins | Naval Base | Lost | ||
7/10 | MLF v Barnwell, Whaley | Naval Base | Win | ||
6/14 | MLF v Motley, Rice | Parkshore | Lost | ||
6/20 | MLF v Outlaws | Naval Base | Lost | ||
6/29 | MLF v Rosen | Naval Base | Lost | ||
7/12 | MLF v Parker, Poe/Carlock | Orange Grove | Win | ||
7/20 | MLF v Finkel & Altman | Orange Grove | Win | ||
7/27 | MLF v Usual Suspects | Orange Grove | Thurs | ||
8/2 | MLF v Public Defenders | Orange Grove | Wed |
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Mighty McNair Machine
Next Game: the Machine will play Keyser Sosa and the Usual Suspects next Thursday (July 27th). Having defeated such teams as “the Legal Defense of the Sisters of the Poor”, “the Drummer from Def-Leopard Look-a-Like Lawyers” and “the Ladies Auxiliary Balloon Club Lawyers” Commissioner Seekings’ Usual Suspects are currently 9-0. The word on the street is they are seriously scared to play us because Seekings knows how pissed I am that he scheduled us at the Navy Base for most of the season.
(I’ll drop a full recap this weekend)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Machine is on a two game win streak!
Go Mighty McNair!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
McNair Wins Against Barnwell-Whaley 29 to 7, Game Re-Cap
After suffering 4 straight losses, the Machine had their backs against the wall--with morale lower than President Bush’s approval rating--it was up to Captain JET (with a little help from General Patton) to pull the team out of their slump and get the wheels of the Machine rolling again with a motivating e-mail. Captain JET was faced with two dilemmas before penning his “get one for the Gipper” e-mail: 1) how do we crank up our esprit de corps? 2) How does this team regain its’ confidence or should I say how can the Machine get their groove back?
Strategery: Jet called two of his pals Nigel and Stella to see what it would take to get our groove back. Stella said, “Just have fun!” And Nigel said, “Turn the volume on the amp up to 11!” If it takes winning for McNair to have fun, so be it. Turn the amp up to 11 and let’s have some fun or as our Hurricane Katrina “refugee-law clerk”, Elizabeth Roche used to say, “laissez bon temps d’ roullez!” (Let the good times roll!)
1st Inning: Barnwell Whaley scored one run in the first, and McNair answered with doubles from Buck-Nancy, “Mr. Dependable” Brett and Jay-Bird scoring three runs in the first inning.
2nd Inning: B-W added another run in the second, but Johnny Rosen tripled to lead off our second inning six-pack. Afterburner Turner hit Rosie in for his first of 3 RBIs followed with a single by Mamma Jo, and a solid attempt by Little Red Riding Hood. The Caped-Crusader shoveled in some coal to build up steam in the engine with two outs. Buck-Nancy added fuel to the fire, going long with an in the park home run, and his first of three RBIs. Mr. Dependable followed with a single and Jay-Bird landed on third to bring Brett home. Brad followed with a single, as did Primo-Davis, but Brad was caught with his hand in the 3rd base cookie jar for the third out. (Full disclosure: Christina was not happy about Brad stealing her thunder, and when Christanka ain’t happy, well let’s just say, things aren’t good for anyone not wearing a green jersey.)
3rd Inning: The Machine blanked B-W in the third, and JET led off with a double. Rosie hit a perfect line drive double to bring home JET for his first of three RBIs. Turner turned on the afterburners to leg out a single, and then score off of Capers’ next at bat. Mamma Jo did a commando roll over first base, but was thrown out and left with nothing but strawberries and road rash. (Btw, at the Palmetto Grill today along with Martha’s Fried Chicken they will serve strawberries and road rash ice-cream in honor of Jo-Jo’s effort). Buck-Nancy hit his first triple, followed with a double by Mr. Dependable. Jay-Bird went yard for his first homer at the Navy Base and Brad ended the inning with a pop-out.
4th Inning: B-W added one more run at the top of the fourth. Primo-Davis unleashed her aforementioned displeasure with a stinging single, JET followed with a single, and Johnny Rosen earned his last two RBIs from a deep ball that landed him at third. Turner hit a single, but was caught out in a double play. Little Red Riding Hood made contact but was out before she touched the first base bag-it was a photo finish I promise, but we were up 19 to 3, so I opted out of the argument.
5th Inning: B-W was blanked once again with only 3-runs on the board. The Machine had the “top o’the order to ya” to start the punishment once again. After substitutions, the name of the game was 5-run stud as the Machine added 5 runs off of the bats of Buck-Nancy, Mr. Dependable, Jay-Bird, Christina and Tom McTighbrenner. MC Hammer was left on base after a strong effort from our clean-up crew of Jo-Jo and Little Red Linds.
6th Inning: Once again, no runs scored for B-W and they had to face the top of the order for McNair. The Caped One was faster than a speeding bullet after hitting a single and kicking things into overdrive to come in on Buck-Nancy’s single. Earned RBI? Hmmm, Frito-Bandito-Janito runs the book and that’s how she scored it folks. I digress; the Machine had singles in spades as we turned down the heat on the burner. That’s a class act if you ask this reporter. Instead of trying to humiliate Barnwell-Whaley, sans Motley Rice, Rosen, and the likes, we jogged to the bases, and gave Barnstormers a chance to keep things respectable. In the single club in the 6th, are Capers (actually off the market), Bucky (kind of sorta off the market), Brett (ladies, he’s a Pisces who enjoys fast cars, windsurfing, and long walks on the beach.) Jay-Bird (recently taken off the market), Bradford (on the market-not so much), Christina (on the “diamond” market-get it, diamond-never mind). Tom hit a legit sacrifice flY and our second commando roll of the evening at first scoring Primo-Davis’. MC Hammer was our final out of the inning with an unusual pop-fly.
7th Inning: Barnwell-Whaley put up a strong last ditch effort to make things respectable scoring 4 runs as the fat lady began to sing. The Hammer “rear-ended” a throw from second to Tom (who played a mean first base, despite having not played said position since pre-Morris, Duffy, Boone days.) for the final out. The Machine lined-up for well wishing and libations to celebrate our victory!
Dugout: Tour de Force: Give a yellow jersey to both Bucky and Jay for hitting cycles (single, double, triple and a home-run). South-Paw Action: Jay had one of his triples batting left-handed and Brad had two singles from the left side of the plate as well. Double-Trouble: Bucky converted two double plays with his patented “cock, step and fire” from short. Congratulations guys! That was one heck of a team effort if you ask this reporter, and I am glad to see McNair is out there having fun once again.
The Machine notched a third victory on our belt defeating Barnwell Whaley 29 to 7. McNair’s next game is Wednesday at Orange Grove Park against Parker Poe.
*Special thanks to the folks at Fisharepeopletoo for the Spinal Tap Amp picture.
Go Mighty McNair!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
King George!
The Machine's very own, George Morrison is leading the league with his 1.000 batting average! Batting a 0.889 average Joe Semsar is 2nd, followed by Aaron Stockhausen batting an 0.857 average. Good job George!
Go Mighty McNair!
Photo compliments of McNair
McNair defeated Barnwell Whaley last night!
Our next game is tomorrow against Parker Poe @ Orange Grove field. Please e-mail me if you can make it. Thanks, JET
I'll post a write-up tonight!
Go Mighty McNair!
League Standings as of July 11, 2006
8 8 0 0 16 7 7 0 0 14 8 6 2 0 12 7 5 2 0 10 6 4 2 0 8 7 4 3 0 8 7 4 3 0 8 7 3 3 1 7 8 3 4 1 7 6 3 3 0 6 6 3 3 0 6 6 3 3 0 6 7 3 4 0 6 7 2 5 0 4 6 1 5 0 2 6 1 5 0 2 6 0 6 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 Team GP/ W/ L/ T/ PTS
Friday, July 07, 2006
Next Weeks Games, Fo shizzle, McNizzle!
We will play two games next week. Monday (July 10) @ the Navy Base we play Barnwell, Whaley. Wednesday (July 12) we play Parker, Poe Carlock @ Orange Grove. As you will notice below we stand an excellent chance of winning both games, and we are still (legitimately) in the running for the play-offs. (The bottom 2 teams of each division stay home.) I believe now is the time to pick our game back up where we started earlier this season. There is no reason our confidence should falter just because we make a few errors or a couple of our players (Joel or Corbett) are not on the field, it takes a team to win and this team can win! Every game that we lost was against a strong opponent who hit the ball well and unfortunately we did not respond by playing to our potential. Part of the reason we've dropped a few is my fault as a coach and I am going to do my best to stay positive, have a strong line-up, and keep everyone motivated.
We have the opportunity to win at least 4 of our next 5 games and we will enter the playoffs with a winning record. Monday is our last game at the Navy Base. Our final 4 games will be at the Orange Grove (hitter friendly) Park! Tom McTighbrenner pulled Corbett out of the European League and she will return next week. Finally, I don't want you to think that I am only stressing winning, because I am not. I want the focus to be on having fun! The thing is with the McNair Team, we only have fun when we win. So go out there and have fun these last 5 games of our regular season, let's make the playoffs, and let's have some fun.
Go Mc Nair! Or as Maggie said on Z-93 Jamz this morning, "Fo' Shizzle, McNizzle"!
1) Usual Suspects 7-0 1) Rosen 7-0
2) Nexsen 5-2 2) Nelson Mullins 4-2
3) Solicitors 5-2 3) Outlaws 4-2
4) Buist Moore 3-3 4) Motley 4-3
5) Finkel 3-3 5) Barnwell 3-2
6) P.D.s 3-4 6) Pierce Herns 3-3
7) Haynsworth 2-4 7) McNair 2-4
8) Good/Bad 1-5 8) Parker/Carlock 1-5
9) Youn Clement 0-6 9) MVA/Turner 0-7
Photo compliments of, please visit their site to show your support.
Go Mighty McNair!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Re-Cap of Game Against Rosen
The Machine had two hits tonight. Rosen had a few more. I am not going to say what I feel about the Rosen team or the Navy Base because a picture says a 1,000 words (see machine in the middle).
(Photo courtesy of Purple-Twinkie)
Go Mighty McNair!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Re-Cap of Game Against Motley, Rice
On Saturday I watched Cal-State Fullerton bounce back from their loss to UNC-Chapel Hill in the first round of the College World Series and defeat (favored) Georgia Tech, 7 to 5. Despite dropping a heart-breaking game in 13 innings to UNC, CSF bounced back, forgot their mistakes and played Georgia Tech better than anyone played them all year. How did they put their mistakes and loss to UNC out of their minds? Their team psychologist got on the bus, had everyone explain their errors and told the team to ‘flush their mistakes’ (they even have a toilet in the dug-out to help reaffirm this mind-set). And it worked!
Flushing our last game is what I am asking the Mc Nair team to do tonight. Forget about the game against Motley Rice, focus on tonight’s game. Motley Rice played an aggressive, strong game riding high on the tide of adrenaline that they stole from us in the 2nd inning. I am telling you to flush the memory of their girls hitting it over our heads, Bevon’s commando roll to catch our fly-balls and whatever else you think might clog your mind. The slate is clean!
Go Mighty McNair!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Re-Cap of Game Against Turner/Moore & Van Allen, the Machine won again 20-8!
It may very well be the conceptual birth of the best hitting and fielding unit (read Machine) to ever take the field of the Charleston Legal League of Softball took place in the steam-filled expansions of the Art-Deco-Italianate architecturally styled Power House on the corner of Mac Millian and Hobson. One can only imagine a green-chemist or mad-scientist working in a damp laboratory, through an evening filled with a lighting bolts and thunder, mixing a concoction of 4 (parts) able-bodied attorneys, 3 (parts) fine specimens of form and pulchritude in a Petri dish filled with the guns of the Navarone creating the McNair Machine in the wee-hours of the morning. A team so stacked, so aggressive and so punishing that Toby Keith will sing a song about it called, “It’s Alive, the Machine is Alive” on his next album. Does this sound like hyperbole? Or is this simply the alcohol induced nightmare which numerous Moore Van Allen & Turner players awoke to during their cold-sweat filled night last Thursday? We may never know the real answer to this question. But I leave you with this thought, the Machine plays 6 games at the Navy Base this year and for some odd reason the McNair team always wins at the base. And the McNair team is a Power House, could it be…The base is its’ true home? We’ll consider all of this later in the season, and as long as the Machine is winning, the grass is cut, and the restrooms are open and stocked with toilet-paper, we’ll call the Navy Base Home (at least for 5 more games.) Here are the stats from the WOPR of a beat down we gave Turner/Moore!
Stats: Team: Innings 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/total runs scored
McNair: 2/0 12/6 0/0 0/ 20
Turner/Moore: 4/0 0/0 3/1 0/8
Friday, May 19, 2006
McNair defeated Turner/Moore last night 20 to 8
Go Mighty McNair!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Re-Cap of Pierce, Hearns Game (Thursday, May 11th, 2006)
With all of the similiar drama experienced by Doug Mariavelli's return to the Boston Red Sox to play against the Yankees, the Machine was able to return two starters: "Cut Off" Chris Williams came back from the boat and the Machine's owner,Tom McsTighebrenner inked a multi-million dollar deal to steal the Caped Crusader Owings away from a competing team. However, it was George Morrison's departure from the sidelines to the starting line-up which carried the most fanfare.
In the dugout: Tom McsTighebrenner started the show for the Machine in the second inning with a drop in front of the plate that he dug deep to beat the throw at first. Tom hit 3 for 3, getting a single each chance he got to the plate. The King (George) of Swing showed he hadn't lost his touch and walked away with 4 singles of his 5 trips to the plate, notching an RBI on his belt in his first game. "Cut Off" Chris Williams held down the hot corner and hit 4 singles with one RBI. Capers showed that he was worth every penny hitting two triples, a double and a single, with 2 RBIs. Turner, Turner Afterburner lived up to his namesake and showed us the same competitve wheels that held their own against the Kenyans in the Boston Marathon. Turner had three RBIs, two singles and what his Afterburners turned into two in-the-park-homers, but Janet scored as a double and a triple-sorry Turner. WTB's "Side-Kick" Sally Boone came in the game at the top of the 5th, she was able to put a single on the board in her short time in the game. New comer Adrienne Briles had a slow start at the plate, but Bagger Vance helped her find her swing in the 3rd inning, starting a streak of 3 singles and one RBI. Christina "El Cid" Davis held down the action behind the plate and two single, notching an RBI along the way. What was the Bradford (Hiers) report this year? Brad actually only hit one pop-up as he went 3 singles and 1 double. Good job Bobo! Bucky Ryan (a true baseball name, better than if I wrote it myself) came in for Tom in the 4th inning and although he felt his bat was a little light, he still managed a triple and two singles. Bucky did impress the Skipper with a close attempt for a throw out at first from the short out position. Jay-Bird hit around with a single in both the 6th and 7th innings, a double in the 3rd, a triple in the 3rd (Yes, we batted around) and a home-run in the 5th inning. I wanted to congratulate Jay-Bird on a fine outing, but David Hasselhoff called and said we needed to re-evaluate things before we go patting people on the back. Corbett "Two-Cans" Coats opted out of her normal warm-up routine, and showed us that she took the advice from her Uncle Emerill-ANOTHER NOTCH! That's right folks Corbett was holding down second, pulling first off as well as Bobo and hitting better than Trabert! Jim Trabert did start things off with the team's first in-the-park-homer of the year. (Go George Go!) I digress; Corbs lead the Machine with 4 RBIs, hitting 2 singles and a triple; and they thought they should come in on a cute little girl, NOT this cute little girl, she hit better than most of the guys on Pierce, Hearns.
Not that the score reflects how the Machine left Pierce, Hearns as dead as Dillinger; they were a formidable opponent. Pierce, Hearns' Casey B "at bat" had Bobo and Jay-Bird a blush while at the plate. However, the Machine showed they can come together as a team and play with the best of them. Sure, we did get "lucky" on a few plays, but so did P. H. Obviously their ability to score 17 runs shows that they too came out to play. We just happened to want it more. Congratulations to the McNair Machine and our first victory!
McNair 0/4 11/1 2/8 4/30
Pierce, Hearns 2/7 5/0 0/1 2/17
(I promise I am not using subliminal messaging in this re-cap.) Go Mighty McNair!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
McNair defeats Pierce, Hearns 30 to 17
Go Mighty McNair!