It may very well be the conceptual birth of the best hitting and fielding unit (read Machine) to ever take the field of the Charleston Legal League of Softball took place in the steam-filled expansions of the Art-Deco-Italianate architecturally styled Power House on the corner of Mac Millian and Hobson. One can only imagine a green-chemist or mad-scientist working in a damp laboratory, through an evening filled with a lighting bolts and thunder, mixing a concoction of 4 (parts) able-bodied attorneys, 3 (parts) fine specimens of form and pulchritude in a Petri dish filled with the guns of the Navarone creating the McNair Machine in the wee-hours of the morning. A team so stacked, so aggressive and so punishing that Toby Keith will sing a song about it called, “It’s Alive, the Machine is Alive” on his next album. Does this sound like hyperbole? Or is this simply the alcohol induced nightmare which numerous Moore Van Allen & Turner players awoke to during their cold-sweat filled night last Thursday? We may never know the real answer to this question. But I leave you with this thought, the Machine plays 6 games at the Navy Base this year and for some odd reason the McNair team always wins at the base. And the McNair team is a Power House, could it be…The base is its’ true home? We’ll consider all of this later in the season, and as long as the Machine is winning, the grass is cut, and the restrooms are open and stocked with toilet-paper, we’ll call the Navy Base Home (at least for 5 more games.) Here are the stats from the WOPR of a beat down we gave Turner/Moore!
Stats: Team: Innings 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/total runs scored
McNair: 2/0 12/6 0/0 0/ 20
Turner/Moore: 4/0 0/0 3/1 0/8
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