Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Re-Cap of Game Against Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd

McNair lost to Haynsworth in a grueling game reminiscent of last year's playoff game between the two teams. Unfortunately the Green Machine didn't bring home the victory like we did last year over HSB. Although we didn't put another notch on our belts we did show we have improved three-fold in communication, backing up plays, covering home-good job Brett and all around mechanics in the field. Had we played this well in the field last year, we would have gone to Omaha to play in the World Series against Berkshire Hathawa's in-house counsel. Our hits were solid, but we just happened to hit them, where they happened to be. That's softball for you!
MIA's: We were missing the Admiral, Maggie-May and MC-Hammer. Hammer was out checking out the new bridge at the Gala-yes, we sent him out there to look for Jay-Bird's home-run/game ball.
Turner Boone impressed everyone in the stands with his bat-everyone being both Beth and George, who talked about it over a couple of ice-cold DeerParks. Turner went 3 for 3 with 2 singles and a double. He was the only other person on the team who hit as well as Big Daddy Warren-3 for 3 (all doubles.) Thanks to both of you guys for stepping things up and exciting the rest of us. Talk about exciting, Capers made a (sweet) text-book double play that impressed even the other team. Capers went 1 for 3 at the plate, but showed he is getting back into his slap-hitter groove and he will be an asset for us in the future.
CID Davis went 2 for 3 with a double and single and showed us she can still catch the fly foul balls behind the plate. Great job Christina! 'Two-Cans' Coats had a few nice hits and so did Jay-Bird, unfortunately, they (as a few of the rest of us) fell victim to the 5/6 defensive shield their guys put up. Tom and Joel took Rhonda to the batting cages last weekend and boy did she have get into her groove. The book say Miss T was blanked, but she had a few nice cuts on the ball, especially for someone we haven't seen since season #1.

The next game is tonight at Parkshore against the Public Defenders, as usual the game starts @ 6:30. After the game against Moore & Van Allen, Trabert announced he wasn't going to shave his face again until we won. Come on-the guy looks like the shaggy d.a. and it has to be hot under that peach fuzz. It is about to come together for the team-it is only a matter of time, we can still make the playoffs and become the 'giant' killers we were last year. So, let's come out tonight and get some solid base hits, have some fun and bring a W home for McNair!
Go Mighty McNair!

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