On Saturday I watched Cal-State Fullerton bounce back from their loss to UNC-Chapel Hill in the first round of the College World Series and defeat (favored) Georgia Tech, 7 to 5. Despite dropping a heart-breaking game in 13 innings to UNC, CSF bounced back, forgot their mistakes and played Georgia Tech better than anyone played them all year. How did they put their mistakes and loss to UNC out of their minds? Their team psychologist got on the bus, had everyone explain their errors and told the team to ‘flush their mistakes’ (they even have a toilet in the dug-out to help reaffirm this mind-set). And it worked!
Flushing our last game is what I am asking the Mc Nair team to do tonight. Forget about the game against Motley Rice, focus on tonight’s game. Motley Rice played an aggressive, strong game riding high on the tide of adrenaline that they stole from us in the 2nd inning. I am telling you to flush the memory of their girls hitting it over our heads, Bevon’s commando roll to catch our fly-balls and whatever else you think might clog your mind. The slate is clean!
Go Mighty McNair!