Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Reminder of game v. Nelson Mullins and our name is so much cooler than Cola's

Hey Everyone,
We have a softball game against Nelson Mullins this Wednesday. We will be playing at the Orange Grove Park @ 6:30pm. If you can r.s.v.p. in order to get an accurate count for our roster. Last week was rained out and this was supposed to be our last game. However, we will be making the Young Clement game up at a later date.
Some of you were interested in playing the folks up in Cola Town perhaps a game in Orangburg. However, Bonnie has informed me that since they could not motivate the law clerks to come out and play this year they did not field a team. (It is the first time in 13 years they have not had a team) Sorry guys we could have really beat up the McNerds in Cola. Yes, that is what they call themselves "McNerds".
I look forward to hearing from you. Go McNair! Always, Jet
Go Mighty McNair!

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Re-Cap of Game against Rice-e-Ron-i (bad blood begins)

Hey Everyone,

Now that all of the smoke has cleared, and the crew across the river have been put in their place, let me do our weekly update. Facing an undefeated, oversized, army of the best softball players that money could buy, the young McNair held their own. We were the home team and in the first inning the "motley crew" scored but one point. We were able to put three points on the board in the first. The game would be 4-5 until the fifth inning. Their coach (Nickie Brown) stunned us all with a smack (right over # 8's head) to the back fence. We should not have underestimated a team with girls that wore softball stirrups and all weighed in at a combined weight of my Volvo. For those of you that are not car people a 1994 Volvo 940 weighs 1,969lbs. (This information can be found on the inside of the driver's door of every vehicle.)
McNair made little or no mistakes, as the crew's ringers put out two over the fence. Dirty Rice roughed up our girls with the Sheriff of Cottingham (Ed) beating the chest of little Megan. As fate would have it, the Kharma Police were watching Eddie, and he was given a lesson on how illegally positioned basemen are moved. Our Softball Ethics Captain, Mr. Scarafile, ruled that there was no foul. #8 had actually lost his footing and fell forward with Ed Cottingham illegally covering the bag a collision was inevitable. Your chubby team capt weighing slightly under 2hundo made a large impact with the sheriff and Ed decided to sit out the rest of the game. We were able to put two more runs on the board before Brett (I have no idea why they call him Birdwatcher) made a spectacular throw to home, and was fielded by Beth "Johnny Bench" Middleton who tagged out their runner. Third out, let's call it a day, and take another at bat. It's just a game right? The crew wanted to argue the call, even though their runner was now where near the plate, and his foot was in Bench's glove. Finding no ears to hear their plea, they lived up to their name "motley crew" and tried to provoke a fight. Picture this Paul Callander chest to chest with a gorilla that wanted to tangle with the big guy, probably because he had even a more colorful female gorilla that was behind Paul to back him up. The crew spilled expletives that would make Eddie Murphy or a sailor blush. Sorry, when I said that this would be a good thing for all of us here to come out and have fun with friends and family, I had no idea that the kids would get this kind of exposure. When everything settled they were still up by six and we could not rally up enough points.

Gayla and her husband Bill came out this week, both played extremely well. Bill showed that even though he had not touched a bat in fifteen years he could still hit doubles and triples. Bill and I had a communication problem in the field, but nothing dropped and no one collided. Beth (Johnny Bench) Middleton made the play of the day with the tag out at home. She did have a trip up that had her slide eight feet in front of first base, but she dusted herself off and was on base the next at bat. The Stevens sisters as always had an excellent game. Brett smacked one back to the fence in left field only to be robbed by the extra row of fence line of the silver monster. Scarafile held down third. J-Bird robbed every hit that came his way throwing out seven of the crew's batters. Paul, first game back from the birth of Rylie, had a good game, but did not get the hits that he wanted. Chin up Paul, you'll put one over the fence soon enough. Tom finally earned some respect on the field and had all of the crew playing deep. Tom easily made it on base a few times and his hitting keeps getting better.

All in all it was a good game and we played really well. Beam came out to support McNair. His side kick WideGlide missed the game, something about not being able to ride a motorcycle in the rain. I am sorry about the lack of sportmanship from the folks at Motley, but you can only control what we do not what the other team does. Thanks for coming out everyone.

Our next game is on Thursday the 10th @ Parkshore against Young Clement. Take care, and have a wonderful, and safe Fourth of July. Btw, if you get the opportunity see JoAn's office. Tomorrow is a special B-Day for her and the elves came in to "trash" her office. Always, Jet
Go Mighty McNair!

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Re-Cap of Barnwell Game (Season 1-First re-cap I could find)

Well folks,
If losing builds character, charm, and tenacity, then we have it in spades. Yes, we came up short once again. Donald Williams has officially pulled my contract. Beth Middleton did point out one fact though. We do have the best looking team, best dressed team, best looking fans, and doggies out at the games.

We started out playing real well. We were the first at bat and the first to score. We made five runs in the first inning. So did Barnwell & Whaley. They scored one more the next inning and a racked up a large amount in the fourth due to base hits and missed balls in left field. The sun did not work in our favor in left field, and number eight did a poor job letting balls by him. However, the infield did an excellent job throwing out all but one of the batters. (The guy was an All State Track runner, what can you do about that?) We did not score again until the fifth inning. Adam rocked the seventh inning with some extreme base running, making it to third on what should have been a single. His slide was Trabertesque and almost ripped third base out of the ground. He is truly Stolamite! Trabert followed up with another triple, and was brought home by Joel Almighty. We had some good hits and Jo-Ann Waller came out to help out the girls. Even though her daughter said that she stinks, I thought that she played a heck of a good game. Way to go Waller. Beth Middleton came out and had an excellent game. Corbett as always played her heart out and made some great plays in right field as well as in the short out position. Joel, as always, had some good hits and racked up R.B.I.s with the bases loaded in the first inning. Brett had an excellent game finally walking the walk. Scarafile, even though had played golf all day, made some good on base hits, as he predicted. Tom and MAS keep getting better with their hitting ability. Jay-Bird had an excellent game and held down short like the professional that he is. Rosen had a great game. Unfortunately, this may be his last as he will soon become a free agent and the word on The Street is that he will be signing with Moore & Van Allen.
The next game will be played on the first of July, next Tuesday. We will be at the Orange Grove field. Orange Grove is in West Ashey near Parkshore. Instead of making the turn into Parkshore go to the light and turn right at the Exxon station onto Orange Grove Road. (Bobby Hartnett's, Exxon, and McDonalds are located at this interesection) The field is about a quarter mile up the road on your right. Lucas Ken Griffey Padgett will be off of the Injured List and will be playing at the next game. His ribs have finally healed and he is ready to be back in action. Also, Paul Callander will be playing next week, as lil' Rylie has finally let her dad get some time away. As a side note: on my way to Manny's, our after game wing destination, I ran into the Callanders in the parking lot. If you have not seen her yet, Rylie is a beautiful baby with a head full of gorgeous hair. Next Tuesday,
We will be playing the law firm formally known as Ness Motley, now Motley Rice or Rice-o- Ron-E. Yes, it is indeed named after motley rice, usually substituted with dirty rice, which is the hard to find ingredient in Edisto Stew. So, we will be playing dirty rice next Tuesday. If you can get back to me as soon as possible if you can or can not make it, so I can make a roster. Thanks for the great time I had out there last night Team. Always, Jet
Go Mighty McNair!

Friday, June 13, 2003

E-mail about the 'Burlap Sacks' we all knew and loved-Season 1

Subject: Game & Jerseys

This is a reminder about the game on Wednesday, June 18 v. The Usual Suspects. The game will be at the Navy Base @ 6:30. Please try to arrive around six to warm up. If you need directions, please notify me asap so I can get them to you.

Also, this is the week that we will be getting jerseys. Scarafile will hand them out tomorrow for people in the office and at the game on Wednesday for those outside the office players. The cost is $25. I saw the jerseys last week, as for softball jerseys go, Berkshire Hathaway does not even have close to the level of quality and style that McNair is fielding this year. We have a list of the sizes and those that have ordered them. However, If you missed out, you are still able to order a jersey(s) just talk to Scarafile.
Batting Practice: A couple of us are going to that batting cages @ Slammin Sammies tomorrow night after work. If interested please contact me either today or tomorrow.
Go Mighty McNair!